opioid epidemic statistics

Understanding Opioid Epidemic Statistics

When someone has gone through surgery, or has chronic pain, they may be prescribed a prescription painkiller. Often, these are drugs in the opioid class. Unfortunately, opioids carry high potential for people to develop a dependency on them. As a result, if these drugs are not taken with high levels of medical supervision, addiction can…

How Do You Know if Your Teenager Is Using Drugs?

Adolescence is a challenging period for teenagers and also for the entire family. During this period, teens experience physical, psychological, social, and behavioral changes that sometimes result in difficulties for them and those around them that is why help from a dual diagnosis treatment center can help promote lasting recovery.  Due to these changes, it…

Recognizing Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse

Some of the most commonly abused substances in the United States aren’t illegal or illicit and can be prescribed by medical professionals. Prescription drug abuse has become an increasingly prevalent public health issue in recent years. It is crucial to recognize the signs and seek early treatment to prevent severe consequences since millions of people…

How Long Do the Effects of Heroin Detox Last?

Heroin addiction continues to be a challenge in the United States, with upwards of half a million people affected each year. Heroin addiction help is available in professional rehab centers in most states. The first thing that has to happen before anyone with a heroin addiction can start recovery is withdrawal. It is often best…

Most Common Withdrawal Symptoms You Will Experience in Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin addiction creates changes in the brain’s chemistry. When a person stops using the drug, the body reacts with withdrawal symptoms. These can range from mild to severe, with some being detrimental to mental and physical health. Heroin addiction withdrawal treatment can ease those complications and ensure the best possible outcome. At United Recovery Detox,…